Harlem Gospel Choir in Bourgas
3 days ago i went to a concert i considered would be a nice-not-as-religious-as-it-was-experience. Honestly, i’m a little disappointed, Harlem Gospel Choir… it was ok, but it wasn’t what i exepcted. I am amused how “church” music can be so “disrespectful” to the audience that is listening to it.
The event was held in the Hall of the Burgas Opera and here are some photos from it:
Hey, i don’t mind them, this is a choir very popular and maybe very commercial with their performances with Michael Jackson, but i think they could be much much much better. And it sounds to me pretty unserious to praise God in such a commercial way… no offense to their audience and fans – this is just my opinion. My understanding of church music is this of the Sofia Boys Choir:
or this of the Angelite Choir…
and not
What amused me was that in one of the songs they performed they started to sing parts of “Sex Machine by James Brown“… WTF ?! This is a church choir, god damned!